USA Today Sports Weekly
USA Today Sports Weekly
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USA Today Sports Weekly


USA Today Sports Weekly

USA Today Sports Weekly

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USA Today Sports Weekly is an American sports newsmagazine owned by the Gannett Company. A spin-off publication to Gannett's flagship newspaper USA Today, it focuses on coverage of baseball news from Major League Baseball (MLB), Minor League Baseball and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) from spring to early fall, as well as football coverage from the National Football League (NFL) during the fall and winter months.

The magazine also features statistics for each covered league and interviews with players and staff members.

Sharing production facilities with its parent publication at Gannett's corporate headquarters in McLean, Virginia, Sports Weekly is printed on newsprint and distributed throughout the United States and Canada. The magazine is regularly published on Wednesdays, though special editions that preview major events (such as the World Series and the Super Bowl) or cover fantasy sports are released several times per year, typically on newsprint of better quality than that used in the weekly editions.


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Alena Potapova

Development Director
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