National Air Traffic Services (NATS Holdings)
National Air Traffic Serv
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National Air Traffic Services (NATS Holdings)


National Air Traffic Services (NATS Holdings)

National Air Traffic Services (NATS Holdings)

Auto and Transport


NATS Holdings, formerly National Air Traffic Services and commonly referred to as NATS, provides en-route air traffic control services to flights within the UK flight information regions and the Shanwick Oceanic Control Area. It also provides air traffic control services to 14 UK airports.

The company's en-route business is regulated and operated under licence from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).


The workforce of NATS includes air traffic controllers (ATCOs), air traffic control engineers (ATCEs), air traffic services assistants (ATSAs) and science technical analytical and research staff (STARs). Administrative and support staff make up the remainder of the 4,200 or so employees of NATS. Martin Rolfe became CEO of NATS in May 2015.

NATS is split into two main service provision companies: NATS En-Route PLC (NERL) and NATS Services Ltd (NSL).

  • NERL is the sole provider of civilian en-route air traffic control over the UK and is regulated by the CAA which, for example, determines the charges NERL can make. NERL is funded by Eurocontrol route charges for the provision of air traffic services.
  • NSL competes for contracts to provide air traffic control at airports in the UK and overseas, as well as providing related services including engineering, consultancy, information services, and training.


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In rating
Auto and Transport

Head organization

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is the statutory corporation which oversees and regulates all aspects of civil aviation in the United Kingdom. Its areas of responsibil


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