B&M European Value Retail S.A.
B&M European Value Retail
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B&M European Value Retail S.A.


B&M European Value Retail S.A.

B&M European Value Retail S.A.

Consumer goods


B&M European Value Retail S.A., trading as B&M, is a British multinational variety store chain founded in 1978 and incorporated in Luxembourg. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.

It has 703 stores in the United Kingdom and 104 stores in France, following the acquisition of Babou stores.

Domestic operations

As of 2021, the company currently has 686 stores in the UK and a further 275 Heron Foods stores.

Over the period 2016 to 2018, the company opened another 100 stores as it reached 600 stores in November 2018.

In September 2020, the company announced that it planned to open about 45 stores, offering everything from tinned and frozen meals to wallpaper and bedding plants, which has become a lockdown phenomenon.

Since September 2012, some stores have also been selling National Lottery goods.

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Consumer goods


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