European New Exchange Technology (Euronext)
European New Exchange Tec
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European New Exchange Technology (Euronext)


European New Exchange Technology (Euronext)

European New Exchange Technology (Euronext)

Banks and investments


European New Exchange Technology (Euronext) is a pan-European bourse that offers various trading and post-trade services.

Traded assets include regulated equities, exchange-traded funds (ETF), warrants and certificates, bonds, derivatives, commodities, foreign exchange as well as indices. In December 2021, it had nearly 2,000 listed issuers worth €6.9 trillion in market capitalisation. Euronext is the largest center for debt and funds listings in the world, and provides technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it operates Euronext Growth and Euronext Access, providing access to listing for small and medium-sized enterprises. Euronext's commodity market includes the electric power exchange Nord Pool, as well as Fish Pool.

Post-trade services include clearing performed by Euronext's multi-asset clearing house, Euronext Clearing, as well as custody and settlement performed by Euronext's central securities depository (CSD), Euronext Securities.

Euronext's registered office and corporate headquarters are situated in Amsterdam and Paris, respectively.

Euronext traces its origins back to the world's first bourses, formed in the Low Countries' shifting trade centres: Bruge, Antwerp and Amsterdam in 1285, 1485 and 1602, respectively. In its present form, Euronext was founded by the merger of European Union (EU) stock exchanges at the turn of the 21st century, following the introduction of the single currency and harmonisation of financial markets.


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Company Persons

CEO and Chairman of the Managing Board of Euronext
1 place


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